- We are delighted that you are looking to joining us, we would like to show you around the nursery before you register for a place for your child. This is to ensure that our nursery is the right place for you and your child, and that we provide the type of care required.To apply, could you please download, complete and return our Registration Form. Please note non-refundable registration fee of £30.00 applies.At the time of show round, hours, suitable nursery sessions and availability will be discussed with you. Once a start date has been confirmed, we will book settling-in time for your child. These are flexible, free of charge and dependent on the needs of the child to help them settle into the nursery more easily.Usually on the first visit we will ask you to stay for approximately 30 minutes. This is especially important with the babies as it will give you a chance to talk with the staff who will be caring for your baby, and the opportunity to discuss routines such as feeding and sleep patterns.The second visit is normally between one to two hours, and we ask that you leave your child after saying goodbye. We can assure you that if the child becomes unsettled during this time (and they cannot be distracted), we will telephone you to collect them earlier and will arrange another short visit for the following day. Some children or babies require a third session. If so, a suitable convenient time will be arrange with the senior member of staff.
Registration form
Please download the form, fill and return to the nursery.
Please call on 01375511440 for further instructions.